Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Last Post...

... as a married woman. I had planned on a Dec 4th court date, but found out yesterday that I can get this over with today! YAY. If all goes as planned, today (December 2) will mark the beginning of a new life for me.

The "ex" or the "respondent" called yesterday to ask when I planned on scheduling the hearing because he wants to be there. (I'm thinking, why?) Something about he wants to make sure I don't pull a fast one. Should I tell him if he even tries to speak, he'll be hauled out by the bailiff(s)? Actually, don't have a problem with him being there, it saves me the hassle of sending him the final paperwork. So I called him this morning at 8am and left him a voice mail telling him the hearing is today. Yes, I probably should have told him earlier so he could dress appropriately. Maybe he'll wear his "I Love Hot Dogs T-Shirt"

I've had a great support network from family, friends, and co-workers who have offered suggestions for this moment in court....

1. Wear a T-shirt that says, "I was with stupid"
2. Dig out the wedding dress and wear that. (Not possible, I rented it. Which should have been an indication of the permanent portion of this venture)
3. Convince "ex" to pose for final photo, holding the divorce decree to add to the last page of wedding album.

Don't get me wrong, this wasn't all bad. There were a lot of good times associated with this marriage. I will post them when I can remember them.

Larry / Bonnie

Larry / Bonnie

Larry / Tom

Larry / Tom

Jack / Bonnie / Vera

Jack / Bonnie / Vera

Jack (at Carol's house)

Jack (at Carol's house)

Jack / Adam

Jack / Adam

Bonnie (Barney in Background)

Bonnie (Barney in Background)

Bonnie / Vera

Bonnie / Vera

Larry / Bonnie / Carol

Larry / Bonnie / Carol