Thursday, November 13, 2008

Divorce News

I just noticed I haven't posted anything for six months. A lot has happened since then. For those of you who have not met Dan, it's probably better for you.

On October 2, 2008, I went to the Pima County Courthouse and filed for divorce. I took the him with me so I could serve the papers to him right there (cause he couldn't bear being put through that humiliation at work) whatever. So that done, the court requires that I give him 20 days to respond, he did not. On Day 21, I hauled back to the courthouse and filed the application for a default hearing at which time I had to deliver the application to him and give him an additional 10 business days (Nov 07) to respond to that. What's that about? He did not respond to that either. Next move, I wait for Day 61 (which is December 03), I call the courthouse to be put on the calendar for the next day.

For those of you keeping score, I'll be heading back to court on December 4th or 5th and plan on being free and clear on December 6th. Sort of my own little D-Day.

Celebration? Yes! Alcohol? You betcha! Freedom? Priceless

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