Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thoughts from Mom

Years ago, shortly after dad died, mom stayed with us for while and one day she said to me, "My only wish for you was that you would be as happy in your marriage as I was." She continued to tell me that it was obvious that I was not happy. I dismissed her comments because I had just learned that I was pregnant with Tom.

She returned to Ohio a few months later and was overjoyed when I called her to tell her of his birth. She begged me to bring him to visit so she could hold him and see him, not just a bunch of photographs every few weeks. When Mom passed away, Tom was 7 months old and I quickly called the airlines to get us back to Ohio that day. The husband said, "I'm much to busy to make this trip, you'll have to go alone". Hmmmm. So I packed little Tom onto the plane and we took off.

I wasn't upset about going alone, but I was surprised that the emotional support was missing.

Mom was pretty smart, she was a great judge of character (see paragraph 1) and was pretty quick to offer her advice, comments, and criticism. I could those words of encouragement from her now.

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